Empowered Blogs

Our Words Have Power

Our Words Have Power

June 28, 20241 min read

I recently read a quote saying “words are singularly the most powerful force available to humanity”. Think about that for a minute, I mean really think about it. That right there is an incredibly powerful quote that was comprised of stringing a group of words together to form a sentence. So when a group of words are put together to form a sentence, those words contain even more power and can hit/resonate with even more force. Words can convey emotion or tell a story, words can uplift and heal, they can make someone’s day or you can completely tear someone down and scar them just by using words. They have energy, they have power, it’s all in how they’re used, their intention.

I had a conversation yesterday with someone ABOUT having conversations, having difficult conversations, discussing topics that people don’t want to discuss and how if we just start to have conversations, this is how we can start to change things in society, in our world. WE hold the power within us to make and implement change. We do this by talking, using words, sharing our opinions, thoughts, experiences and telling stories.

I have to say though, there is an important part of this equation that doesn’t involve using words and that is listening, and when I say listening, I mean ACTIVELY LISTENING, really listening to what the other person or people are saying. Be open to new thoughts, new opinions, you don’t always have to agree with what is being said but at least give the courtesy of listening. Those words just might have the power to open your mind, offer up a new way of thinking or looking at something, a way you never thought of looking at something.

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April Tribe Giauque

"This is not an old boys club mentality. We need to shift that way
of thinking and change that. Women are just as capable, if not
more so than men."
-Brad Walsh

Voices of Experience

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