Empowered Blogs

C-E-L-E-B-R-A-T-E Good Times Come On!

C-E-L-E-B-R-A-T-E Good Times Come On!

July 24, 20244 min read


I am starting the celebrations a little early on this one! TODAY...... I CHOOSE TO CELEBRATE ME! I talk about the fact that we DON'T CELEBRATE our wins so I am taking a page from my own book and listening to my own advice and CELEBRATING ME and my accomplishment today!!

On Friday August 16th I will be releasing/publishing the 600th EPISODE of the Empowerography Podcast!!!

I NEVER in a million years dreamed or thought I would ever be here, where I am right now in this moment.

The host of a Podcast about Women's Empowerment, leading a community of over 1500 AMAZINGLY BEAUTIFUL and INSPIRING Women much less that I would be publishing the 600th Episode of Empowerography.

Here we are 4 years and rolling up on 600 episodes later and I must say, I am so happy with and proud of MYSELF for pushing myself forward, onward and outside of my comfort zone and for sticking with it even when there were times where I wondered to myself...





At those times when I wonder or ask myself those questions, the universe shows me that YES indeed the work I am doing is resonating, it is making a difference and there are people out there listening.

The universe will let me know by sending me someone who drops a message in my inbox

Saying thanks for the work I am doing or a message from someone saying keep going, you are doing amazing work and those messages fill my heart and soul up and remind me that I am on the right path!

I can tell you without a single shadow of a doubt that THIS work that I am now doing is MY PURPOSE and MISSION here on this planet and it feels so incredible inside. My heart smiles, my soul sings it is truly like winning the lottery when you find that thing that makes your heart smile and your soul sing. As a matter of fact when you do find that thing in life and that mission also gives back and impacts people's lives it's honestly like winning the lottery twice.

I want to express my deepest gratitude and a huge THANK YOU to ALL 600 of my guests who have appeared on the show up to this point. I have learned so much and been inspired by each and every one of you beautiful souls and your stories, beyond belief! I want you all to know I appreciate you taking/making the time to share your stories with me. You have been such an integral part in making this all possible.

I also want to give a shoutout and a heartfelt THANK YOU to all those who have supported and walked beside me on this incredible journey, it hasn't been an easy one, it has come with lots of struggles of my own but I have a core group of friends who have supported, believed in and stuck by me through it all and for that I am forever grateful to all of you. Too many names to list but you all know who you are and how much you all mean to me!

ALL of you who are part of the EPL community/family, NONE of this is even possible. I want each and every single beautiful soul who has commented, liked or participated in ANYTHING Empowerography related to know that I APPRECIATE you, your support and loyalty.

When I first created this platform, NEVER in my wildest dreams did I ever think we would ever hit the 600 EPISODE mark and look at us now!!

Im so ecstatic to be able to celebrate this milestone, it might seem small to some people but to me THIS IS HUGE and something to behold and be proud of!!!

I am truly excited about and looking forward to the future of the Empowerography Podcast and Community and for all the amazing stories we still have yet to tell.

It's going to be so exciting and even more inspirational for the Empowerography Community. I have so many ideas and plans for the next 6-8 months.

We are only going to continue to grow bigger and stronger as a community.

Let's CELEBRATE folks! This MASSIVE win is YOURS TOO!

NONE of this is possible without all of you!

Here's to another amazing 600 MORE episodes of the Empowerography Podcast!

I also want to share some exciting news with you all, I will be hosting a 600th Episode Celebration Virtual Launch Party in September. So keep your eyes open and ears to the ground. It is going to be an amazing event with contests, giveaways, networking and lots of other fun stuff. More details COMING SOON!

Empower. Elevate. Educate.


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April Tribe Giauque

"This is not an old boys club mentality. We need to shift that way
of thinking and change that. Women are just as capable, if not
more so than men."
-Brad Walsh

Voices of Experience

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We bring powerful women to an empowered stage who will change you with their stories of courage, transformation and real life inspiration.

Empowerography is a podcast whose purpose is to Empower. Elevate and Educate. Amplifying the voices of Women.

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